Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Election Day 2016

        The children have seen Election Day on our Calendar since the month started.  They are very aware of the race for the Presidency and have been for some time.  I believe since one of their schoolmates appeared on stage with Donald Trump in the early days of the race.

          I came up with the idea of having a voting day of our own since the children seemed so excited about Election Day.  I wanted it to be fun and educational.  I wanted them to know the importance of voting and to learn a bit about the process at the same time.
         I found a great free kids voting package on teachers- pay-teachers and printed out the materials.  Before voting, we had the children register to vote in advance in order to be on the voter registration list.  We then had them learn a bit about the two main candidates.  Once they'd registered, and knew about the candidates, we allowed them to cast their own ballots.  They were so excited and made sure no one could see who they'd voted for.    Lastly they counted out the votes and tallied on a venn diagram included in the package.
         Our clear winner was Hillary Clinton.  The children are anxious to see if America votes as they did.  Since we are eight hours ahead, we won't know until we get up tomorrow morning.  Either way, tonight I pray for our country and as I expect a close race, I pray for healing in the time that follows this election.

Our Ballot Box made from an empty tissue box.

They each got an "I voted" sticker after casting their vote.

Tallying the votes....

still counting.....

....and counting!

We will use these for our journal entry tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Our First Halloween in Kenya

       My kids LOVE Halloween.  I mean what kid doesn't love costumes and candy?   Halloween is one of the few nights in the year that I allow them to freely eat candy.  On Halloween night, after trick -or- treating the kids come home and pick out 5-6 pieces of candy and have at it.
      Monday was our first Halloween away from the US.  In the US, Halloween is a big deal.  Even people with no children make sure they have a supply of candy when their neighbors' children come knocking on their doors for trick-or-treating.  It is always so fun to see all the children in their cute costumes.  Even though we are away from home, I wanted the kids to have as much fun as they usually do for Halloween.  A friend recommended a Halloween function at a popular mall here in Nairobi called Village Market.  The function cost Ksh 500 ($5.00) per child and adults paid the same.  The flyer promised a great time and trick- or- treating.  So, on Saturday evening we loaded the kids up in the car all dressed up in there Halloween costumes and headed for Village Market.
      When we arrived, there were so many children all dressed up running about the mall.  We were so excited!  We went up to the roof parking area where the event was being held.  Once there, we found that there were about five or six jumping castles and some hay bale seating.  The kids seemed excited so we paid the fee and entered.  After ten minutes the kids were sweaty and tired of bouncing, but there wasn't much more to do.  They had a DJ that was playing uncensored music (the B word was heard more than once).  The MC began to announce all the things they had for sale: cotton candy, ice-cream, popcorn, face painting, and get this, Halloween candy!  I couldn't believe they wanted us to pay for Halloween candy on Halloween at a Halloween party that we'd just paid to enter!   They announced a costume contest and a pinata was soon to follow.   I took one look at the tiny pinata and then another at the large crowd of children and opted to head for the food court for dinner instead.  There, we enjoyed fresh air and a nice dinner.  I was a little confused and felt the whole point of Halloween for the kids was lost upon the organizers of the party, but I left that evening looking forward to another event we'd been invited to.
       On Monday we attended a Halloween party that we'd been invited to by one of the co op families.  The party was at their Church.  There was a pot-luck dinner, and then trick -or -treating.  The church building was perfect because there were many doors to which the children could come and knock and say trick- or- treat.  Each family who attended  had a parent stand behind a door to greet the trick -or- treaters and hand out candy.  It was perfect!  The kids enjoyed trick or treating with their friends.  The kids left happy and I was satisfied that they had a good time.
Carved pumpkins and watermelon!  You really learn to be ingenuitive.

Enjoying their candy